is said to be contractive if the norm of
remains less than or equal to 1 for
all unit-norm
. In other words,
is contractive if it shrinks the unit sphere.
We can think of the CAE as penalizing the Frobenius norm of the local linear
approximation of
) at every training point
in order to encourage each of
these local linear operator to become a contraction.
As described in Sec. 14.6, regularized autoencoders learn manifolds by balancing
two opposing forces. In the case of the CAE, these two forces are reconstruction
error and the contractive penalty Ω(
). Reconstruction error alone would encourage
the CAE to learn an identity function. The contractive penalty alone would
encourage the CAE to learn features that are constant with respect to
. The
compromise between these two forces yields an autoencoder whose derivatives
∂f (x)
are mostly tiny. Only a small number of hidden units, corresponding to a
small number of directions in the input, may have significant derivatives.
The goal of the CAE is to learn the manifold structure of the data. Directions
with large
rapidly change
, so these are likely to be directions which
approximate the tangent planes of the manifold. Experiments by Rifai et al. (2011a)
and Rifai et al. (2011b) show that training the CAE results in most singular values
dropping below 1 in magnitude and therefore becoming contractive. However,
some singular values remain above 1, because the reconstruction error penalty
encourages the CAE to encode the directions with the most local variance. The
directions corresponding to the largest singular values are interpreted as the tangent
directions that the contractive autoencoder has learned. Ideally, these tangent
directions should correspond to real variations in the data. For example, a CAE
applied to images should learn tangent vectors that show how the image changes as
objects in the image gradually change pose, as shown in Fig. 14.6. Visualizations of
the experimentally obtained singular vectors do seem to correspond to meaningful
transformations of the input image, as shown in Fig. 14.10.
One practical issue with the CAE regularization criterion is that although it
is cheap to compute in the case of a single hidden layer autoencoder, it becomes
much more expensive in the case of deeper autoencoders. The strategy followed by
Rifai et al. (2011a) is to separately train a series of single-layer autoencoders, each
trained to reconstruct the previous autoencoder’s hidden layer. The composition
of these autoencoders then forms a deep autoencoder. Because each layer was
separately trained to be locally contractive, the deep autoencoder is contractive
as well. The result is not the same as what would be obtained by jointly training
the entire architecture with a penalty on the Jacobian of the deep model, but it
captures many of the desirable qualitative characteristics.
Another practical issue is that the contraction penalty can obtain useless results