specification usually determines the training set and you are not allowed to collect
more data.
How can one determine a reasonable level of performance to expect? Typically,
in the academic setting, we have some estimate of the error rate that is attainable
based on previously published benchmark results. In the real-word setting, we
have some idea of the error rate that is necessary for an application to be safe,
cost-effective, or appealing to consumers. Once you have determined your realistic
desired error rate, your design decisions will be guided by reaching this error rate.
Another important consideration besides the target value of the performance
metric is the choice of which metric to use. Several different performance metrics
may be used to measure the effectiveness of a complete application that includes
machine learning components. These performance metrics are usually different
from the cost function used to train the model. As described in Sec. 5.1.2, it is
common to measure the accuracy, or equivalently, the error rate, of a system.
However, many applications require more advanced metrics.
Sometimes it is much more costly to make one kind of a mistake than another.
For example, an e-mail spam detection system can make two kinds of mistakes:
incorrectly classifying a legitimate message as spam, and incorrectly allowing a
spam message to appear in the inbox. It is much worse to block a legitimate
message than to allow a questionable message to pass through. Rather than
measuring the error rate of a spam classifier, we may wish to measure some form
of total cost, where the cost of blocking legitimate messages is higher than the cost
of allowing spam messages.
Sometimes we wish to train a binary classifier that is intended to detect some
rare event. For example, we might design a medical test for a rare disease. Suppose
that only one in every million people has this disease. We can easily achieve
99.9999% accuracy on the detection task, by simply hard-coding the classifier
to always report that the disease is absent. Clearly, accuracy is a poor way to
characterize the performance of such a system. One way to solve this problem is to
instead measure precision and recall. Precision is the fraction of detections reported
by the model that were correct, while recall is the fraction of true events that
were detected. A detector that says no one has the disease would achieve perfect
precision, but zero recall. A detector that says everyone has the disease would
achieve perfect recall, but precision equal to the percentage of people who have
the disease (0.0001% in our example of a disease that only one people in a million
have). When using precision and recall, it is common to plot a PR curve, with
precision on the
-axis and recall on the
-axis. The classifier generates a score
that is higher if the event to be detected occurred. For example, a feedforward