One essential feature of any convolutional network implementation is the ability
to implicitly zero-pad the input
in order to make it wider. Without this feature,
the width of the representation shrinks by one pixel less than the kernel width
at each layer. Zero padding the input allows us to control the kernel width and
the size of the output independently. Without zero padding, we are forced to
choose between shrinking the spatial extent of the network rapidly and using small
kernels—both scenarios that significantly limit the expressive power of the network.
See Fig. 9.13 for an example.
Three special cases of the zero-padding setting are worth mentioning. One is
the extreme case in which no zero-padding is used whatsoever, and the convolution
kernel is only allowed to visit positions where the entire kernel is contained entirely
within the image. In MATLAB terminology, this is called valid convolution. In
this case, all pixels in the output are a function of the same number of pixels in
the input, so the behavior of an output pixel is somewhat more regular. However,
the size of the output shrinks at each layer. If the input image has width
the kernel has width
, the output will be of width
m − k
+ 1. The rate of this
shrinkage can be dramatic if the kernels used are large. Since the shrinkage is
greater than 0, it limits the number of convolutional layers that can be included
in the network. As layers are added, the spatial dimension of the network will
eventually drop to 1
1, at which point additional layers cannot meaningfully
be considered convolutional. Another special case of the zero-padding setting is
when just enough zero-padding is added to keep the size of the output equal to the
size of the input. MATLAB calls this same convolution. In this case, the network
can contain as many convolutional layers as the available hardware can support,
since the operation of convolution does not modify the architectural possibilities
available to the next layer. However, the input pixels near the border influence
fewer output pixels than the input pixels near the center. This can make the
border pixels somewhat underrepresented in the model. This motivates the other
extreme case, which MATLAB refers to as full convolution, in which enough zeroes
are added for every pixel to be visited
times in each direction, resulting in an
output image of width m + k − 1. In this case, the output pixels near the border
are a function of fewer pixels than the output pixels near the center. This can
make it difficult to learn a single kernel that performs well at all positions in
the convolutional feature map. Usually the optimal amount of zero padding (in
terms of test set classification accuracy) lies somewhere between “valid” and “same”
In some cases, we do not actually want to use convolution, but rather locally
connected layers (LeCun, 1986, 1989). In this case, the adjacency matrix in the
graph of our MLP is the same, but every connection has its own weight, specified